ScanRobot® 2.0 MDS: Scanning speed at its best
Experience performance as never before
TREVENTUS Mechatronics GmbH was founded in 2006 and is a spin-off company of the Vienna University of Technology.
As a specialist for digitization solutions, TREVENTUS´ expertise ranges from hardware (automatic book scanners) to software (digital archive and workflow solutions). Its figurehead is the ScanRobot®, a high-end and internationally patented automatic book scanner.
With this interdisciplinary system that was introduced to the market in 2007, TREVENTUS was able to become the market leader for automatic book digitization.
Currenlty, TREVENTUS has successfully implemented the ScanRobot®in over 60 countries worldwide.

ScanRobot Functions & Features:
maximum (2 times - automatic mode): 12.6 x 12.6 inch
single scan area: 11.8 x 17 inch
ScanRobot Markets & Applications:
- Libraries & Archives
- Universities
- Government and private commercial organizations
- Organizations
- Research facilities
- Offices